Subject Re: [IBO] Generator link not working right
Author Helen Borrie (TeamIBO)
At 01:36 PM 14-04-02 -0500, Steve Fields wrote:

> D5 Ent, IBO 4.2g, IB6, XP Pro

>I was under the impression that it was also to be filled
>in by the component.
>The table (ShipMethod) has no triggers set, the UniqueID
>is set as the primary key, with the regular constraint.
>Only the generator is included in the database but is not
>included in a trigger as I was going to use GeneratorLinks
>in the TIB_Query definition.
>Any clues?

Try testing the generator in IB_SQL, to see whether it has been created

select Gen_ID(MyGenerator, 1) from rdb$database

on the Cursor tab (and click the |< First button to show the output)

Helen Borrie (TeamIBO Support)

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