Subject Re: [IBO] Has someone received the new source location e-mail?
Author Jason Wharton
Yes, your original purchase covers one full year of source updates for the
major version you purchased and an automatic major version upgrade if one
comes out within 6 months of your anniversary date. Then, after the one year
is up you are accountable to begin upgrading in order to continue accessing
source updates. Each upgrade is valid for a 6 month period of time.

Think of it more as a subscription extension, although your registration
isn't just for source access alone. Also, I hope everyone remembers that if
when the time to upgrade comes and funds are too tight, trustware applies at
any time if you just make a request for a trustware license for your
upgrade. Trustware is simply where we work together to find out what is best
for both.

As for what your anniversary date is, it is the first day you use IBO in a
"for-profit" endeavor. This means if you get eval/trustware access to IBO,
use it productively for 2 months and then purchase a license, your
anniversary date is when you started two months prior, not the date you
purchased the license. If you don't know what that date would be we can
simply use the original purchase date or you can guestimate a time prior to
that. I plan to make an automated accountability system on the web that all
of your information can be managed and things can be made more easily

In short, it's basically up to you what you can afford and my policies have
been consistent all along, I just haven't made it all crystal clear yet. I
realize that most people are not aware that they may actually be due for
upgrades and this may come as a shock. If for any reason you are irritated
by this I will certainly understand. We can discuss things in private if
anyone likes to propose a compromise.

Hope this makes sense.

Kind regards,
Jason Wharton
CPS - Mesa AZ

----- Original Message -----
From: "Kenneth Lundblad" <kenneth.g.lundblad@...>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, March 28, 2002 2:17 PM
Subject: SV: [IBO] Has someone received the new source location e-mail?

> Hello
> I Purchased a upgrade 08/28/2001 must I purchase again to get new update?
> file://Kenneth
> -----Ursprungligt meddelande-----
> Från: Jason Wharton [mailto:jwharton@...]
> Skickat: den 28 mars 2002 16:38
> Till:
> Ämne: Re: [IBO] Has someone received the new source location e-mail?
> Just to let everyone know, I sent out the new email to all registered
> customers so you should have already received it if you purchased any
> since 4/1/2001 or an upgrade since 10/1/2001.
> If you didn't receive it then you probably gave me an email address which
> longer works or you are due to purchase an upgrade.
> Thanks,
> Jason Wharton
> CPS - Mesa AZ
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