Subject Re: [IBO] Error in TIBOQuery
Author Jan Turner
Thanks for all the hints but I fear none of it worked.
I changed my SQL.Text to this:

Select (Sum(Menge*Preis)+Sum(Versicherungspreis)) as summe from Orderd where
(Linknummer=12345) and (retoure=1) and (NOT EXISTS (Select Zaehler from
Rueckzaehler where (Rueckzaehler.Ordernummer=12345) and

I still get the error message telling me that there is an invalid column

With this:
Select (Sum(Menge*Preis)+Sum(Versicherungspreis)) as summe from Orderd where
(Linknummer=12345) and (retoure=1)

same Problem, so the bug must be within the select statement.
now I tried doing this on an older firebird classic server version but it
doesn't work either. But it worked on that database with IBO3 so I assume
that the error lies in my usage of IBO4 not in the database.

Jan Turner

"Svein Erling Tysv�r" <svein.erling.tysvaer@...> schrieb im
Newsbeitrag news:[]...
> By the way Jan,
> by changing your SQL a bit, you may gain some speed:
> Select (Sum(Menge*Preis)+Sum(Versicherungspreis)) from Orderd
> where (Linknummer='12345') and (retoure='1')
> and (NOT EXISTS (Select 1 from Rueckzaehler
> where Rueckzaehler.Ordernummer='12345'
> and Rueckzaehler.Zaehler=Orderd.Zaehler))
> And if any of those numbers should happen to be defined as Integers (or
> anything not a string), drop the single quotes.
> Set
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