Subject | Re: [IBO] ibloockupcombobox - configure |
Author | Ronaldo Rezende Vilela Luiz |
Post date | 2002-03-22T06:15:34Z |
I have 2 tables:
Table Atividades:
, (select "descricao" from "modalidades" where "modalidades"."id" =
"atividades"."modalidade_id") as "modalidade"
, "dia"
FROM "atividades"
Table Modalidades:
FROM "modalidades"
(id, descricao)
The problem is in the updateSQL. I don't know what I must do. Take a look in
my insertSQL:
INSERT INTO "atividades"(
How can I insert the field modalidade_id in table Atividades? It doesn't
exist in my selectSQL. I only have the loockup field modalidade.
To insert and update the fields using the IB_QUERY or IBOQUERY I must set
the insertSQL and updateSQL ?
Ronaldo Rezende
Programador Delphi
Uberaba, MG - Brasil
cursando Sistemas de Informa��o
na Universidade de Uberaba
""Helen Borrie (TeamIBO)"" <helebor@...> escreveu na mensagem
Table Atividades:
, (select "descricao" from "modalidades" where "modalidades"."id" =
"atividades"."modalidade_id") as "modalidade"
, "dia"
FROM "atividades"
Table Modalidades:
FROM "modalidades"
(id, descricao)
The problem is in the updateSQL. I don't know what I must do. Take a look in
my insertSQL:
INSERT INTO "atividades"(
How can I insert the field modalidade_id in table Atividades? It doesn't
exist in my selectSQL. I only have the loockup field modalidade.
To insert and update the fields using the IB_QUERY or IBOQUERY I must set
the insertSQL and updateSQL ?
Ronaldo Rezende
Programador Delphi
Uberaba, MG - Brasil
cursando Sistemas de Informa��o
na Universidade de Uberaba
""Helen Borrie (TeamIBO)"" <helebor@...> escreveu na mensagem
> At 02:00 AM 22-03-02 -0300, Ronaldo Rezende wrote:the
> >I'm trying to configure the iboloockucombobox. When I try to configure
> >updates statements, an error is generated. If I have this query for themain
> >table, what I must put in the query for updateSQL? If I click in thebutton
> >generate for table, the code is not correct. My colunm in the main tableis
> > But in the select I don't use it. How can I refer to itin
> >the updateSQL?field.
> >
> >SELECT "id"
> > , (select "descricao" from "modalidades" where "modalidades"."id" =
> >"atividades"."modalidade_id") as "modalidade"
> > , "dia"
> >FROM "atividades"
> Ronaldo,
> Assuming you have the standard Keysource-Lookup setup, the lookup dataset
> should not have any impact on the EditSQL for the main dataset - not
> standard EditSQL that IBO generates automatically, nor custom EditSQL that
> you apply to the main dataset yourself.
> If the two datasets are properly configured and linked, any new lookup
> value passed from the lookup dataset to the main dataset via the KeyLinks
> linking will be applied during the dssEdit phase and will simply pass to
> the EditSQL statement as a parameter when the update is posted.
> I need to assume that your lookup dataset has SQL similar to:
> SELECT id, descricao from modalidades
> Assuming the TIB_Datasource for the main dataset is dsMain, the lookup
> query will have the following properties set:
> Keysource: dsMain
> Keylinks:
> KeyDescLinks:
> descricao=modalidade
> This should do the trick.
> It would be helpful if you could show us what is failing in your custom
> EditSQL. It is possible that you are getting some error because you are
> attempting to apply some sort of updating to the sub-selected "as
> modalidade" field...this will cause errors, because it is not a database
> regards,
> Helen Borrie (TeamIBO Support)
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