Subject Re: TIB_Handle
Author robschuff
Hi Kevin,

I do nto think there is such a type, however it seems like what you
want to do is grab the dbHandle property of the TIB_Connection in
your main executable, then for the TIB_Connection in the bpl, set the
its dbHandleShared property to the dbHandle property. The property
type of dbHandle is isc_db_handle so perhaps these earlier posts
used the wrong name for the classtype.

I have not tried any of this but just snooped around a bit...


--- In IBObjects@y..., "Kevin Stanton" <Kevin.Stanton@R...> wrote:
> Greetings,
> I've seen references to passing the TIB_Handle to a DLL or package
to set
> the dbHandleShared:
> procedure DLLInterface(Handle: TIB_Handle);
> begin
> DLL_IB_Connection.dbHandleShared := Handle;
> ...
> do what you need to do
> ...
> end;
> The problem I'm having is when I try to compile, TIB_Handle is
> I've looked in the help and even searched source files for
TIB_Handle and
> cannot find references.
> What unit do I need to add to my uses clause?
> Thanks in Advance,
> Kevin