Subject RE: [IBO] Advice on 3 tier system
Author Dion
What about MidWare?

-----Original Message-----
From: Roger Pullen [mailto:pullen.roger@...]
Sent: Wednesday, February 27, 2002 5:28 AM
Subject: RE: [IBO] Advice on 3 tier system


I have just got one going with an IBO server - it flies!

(IBO is only used on the server, ASTA dataset stuff is
used on the client)


-----Original Message-----
From: Damian Dowling [mailto:damian-dowling@...]
Sent: 27 February 2002 12:31
Subject: [IBO] Advice on 3 tier system


I am currently in the middle of a c/s system and the point has been raised
about going to a 3 tier system in the future. Having found very little on
the internet that was useful i was wondering if someone could point me in
the right direction.

Ideally i am looking for some tech documents about implementing a 3 tier
system with IBO.


Damian Dowling
IT Manager
Pallas Foods Ltd

Phone: + 353 69 20200
Fax: + 353 69 20201
Email: damian-dowling@...

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