Subject Re: [IBO] How can I use variables of type ARRAY in stored procedures?
Author Helen Borrie (TeamIBO)
At 06:50 PM 24-02-02 +0000, you wrote:
>Can I use variables of type ARRAY in stored procedures?
>I test with something like:
>DECLARE VARIABLE v integer[1:10]
>but It doesn't works.
>I see this code in a document of Interbase.

Did you also see this in the Language Reference text for DECLARE VARIABLE?
Syntax DECLARE VARIABLE var datatype;

var -- Name of the local variable, unique within the trigger or procedure

datatype -- Datatype of the local variable; can be any InterBase datatype
except Blob and arrays


["except" in this context means "excluding"]

Please would you post your SQL questions to the ib-support list...thanks.

Helen Borrie (TeamIBO Support)

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