Subject Re: [IBO] tib_grid and function keys
Author stanw1950
For anyone's information: To solve my problem (from Geoff's
suggestion) I dropped a TActionList on the form and set up two new
actions - one with a ShortCut = F2 and the other with a ShortCut = F8
(the two functions keys I needed for this particular form).

In the OnExecute event for the F2 action (to place query in edit
mode) I coded:
if (AccQ.State = dssBrowse) then UBar.btnClick(ubEdit);

In the OnExecute event for the F8 (to place query in insert mode)
action I coded:
if (AccQ.State = dssBrowse) then UBar.btnClick(ubInsert);

This code was originally in the FormKeyDown procedure. So far this
has worked for me.