Subject Re: [IBO] PROBLEMS TIBOQuery.RecordCount
Author Daniel Rail
At 01/02/2002 02:15 PM, you wrote:
> Qry2 : TIBOQuery;
> Qry2 := TIBOQuery.Create(Application);
> with Qry2 do
> begin
> DatabaseName := 'DATAMETA'
> SQL.Add('Select *From PRODUTOS_SALDOS');
> SQL.Add('Where CODIG_PRODUTO =:Produto and');
> SQL.Add(' DOCUMENTO =:Doc');
> ParamByname('Produto').AsInteger := CodigProduto;
> ParamByname('Doc').AsString := D;
> Open;
> if RecordCount <> 0 then <<<--- The mistake happens here:
> .....
>ISC ERROR CODE: 335544569
>Dynamic SQL Error
>SQL code error = -104
>Token unknown -line2, char -1
>Which the problem?

First of all, do a Prepare before assigning the parameters.
Second make sure that the property RecordCountAccurate is set to True.

Give this a try and let us know.

Daniel Rail
Senior System Engineer
ACCRA Group Inc. (
ACCRA Med Software Inc. (