Subject RE: [ibo] tIBOquery Issue
Author Jack Cane
Ye, Daniel, that was it. Works fine, now.

Tks, and holiday greetings,

-----Original Message-----
From: Daniel Rail [mailto:daniel@...]
Sent: Sunday, December 29, 2002 2:44 PM
Subject: Re: [ibo] tIBOquery Issue


> My form has three tIBOqueries linked to an FB dataset through a
> and three tDataSources. All three queries are set active and the
> tDbNavigators show appropriage buttons enabled.

> One tIBOquery, qPages, is targeted on table TARGETURL. The form has
> fields connected to fields TARGETNR (the primary key field), TARGETNAME
> CONFIGNUM. The latter field is linked to another table via a foreign key
> constraint. All the tdbEdits are linked properly to existing fields in
> table, TARGETURL. I can see them in the dropdown for the field name
> property.

> When I run the app., the form stumbles over the following query:

> 'select TargetName from TARGETURL where CONFIGNUM = 1 order by

> The error is exception class EDatabaseError with message 'edTargetNr:
> 'TARGETNR' not found'.

> I have deleted and rebuilt the tIBOquery, with identical results.

> Any assistance appreciated.

All fields that you'll be using, either in the code or in visual
components, have to be part of the returned result set.

Try with the following query:
select TARGETNR, TargetName from TARGETURL where CONFIGNUM = 1 order by

Daniel Rail
Senior System Engineer
ACCRA Group Inc. (
ACCRA Med Software Inc. (

IB Objects - direct, complete, custom connectivity to Firebird or
without the need for BDE, ODBC or any other layer.

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