Subject | Re: [IBO] IBO + Firebird + MIDAS recommendations |
Author | Paul Sjoerdsma |
Post date | 2002-12-18T16:47:42Z |
What I tried last night was to give each remote datamodule it's own
Connection, Session (IB_Session) and Transaction component. This worked
fine even when using 4 or more client programs.
Are you saying that each remote datamodule only needs an IB_Session
component and that I can keep a single TDataModule that contains the
IB_Connection. ??
In article <atok3r$64l$1@...>, jwharton@... says...
Connection, Session (IB_Session) and Transaction component. This worked
fine even when using 4 or more client programs.
Are you saying that each remote datamodule only needs an IB_Session
component and that I can keep a single TDataModule that contains the
IB_Connection. ??
In article <atok3r$64l$1@...>, jwharton@... says...
> Just make sure the IB_Session is first in the module's creation order and
> then it will be used just fine as-is.
> You really should upgrade to IBO 4 too. It has significant MIDAS
> improvements and is ported up to Delphi 7. IBO 3.x would need some tweaking
> to run on D7.
> Jason Wharton
> CPS - Mesa AZ
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> -- But together we have it all --
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