Subject Re: Changing TIB_LookupCombo doesn't flag 'Modified' - SORTED
Author tickerboo2002 <>
Decided to have a re-read of the GSG. I didn't set the Lookupcombo
query's keysource.

--- In, "tickerboo2002 <support@t...>"
<support@t...> wrote:
> Hello
> I have a form with a TIB_LookupCombo displaying lookup items,
> to my main query like so.
> vendor_status.vendor_status_id=Vendors.Vendor_status_Id
> When I change a TIB_Memo, (linked to qry via dsQry), qry->Modified
> flagged as true and the row gets updated in the database.
> When I change the LookupCombo (linked to qryVS via dsQryVS) it
> doesn't modify the row, qry->Modified is false.
> What have a omitted to do with the TIB_LookupCombo to make it
> the linked query?
> David