Subject Re: [IBO] DataRowCount is 9 but number of data rows = 7
Author Helen Borrie
At 06:07 PM 12-12-02 +1030, you wrote:
>What does it mean to have DataRowCount 9 when the number of title lines is
>1 and
>the number of actual data rows returned by the query is 7?

Datarowcount is a grid property, not a dataset property - it doesn't give a
count of rows in the underlying dataset's output set, but of the number of
grid rows currently existing for data (title data and dataset data).

It possibly means you have the dataset in edit mode and have scrolled past
the last row of the dataset - in this case, the grid will have opened a new
data row for an insert. At this point, the grid has one data row which has
no corresponding row in the dataset. A new row won't be added to the
dataset until some data are put into the empty grid row and the datasource
has updated the dataset.

Otherwise - I dunno what is going on there...
