Subject Re: [IBO] Conncting to server via network
> I am trying to use my application with IB server and the DB file on a
> different machine in a local network. On the machine where the app. resides,
> I have IB client installed, the application uses cpTCP_IP as protocol, path
> is left empty for the user to specify when the app is running.
> Now, when I start the program, I immediately get the error:
> 335544721
> Unable to complete network request to host "tower",
> Failed to establish a connection
> an then again the same error when actually trying to connect to the database
> after specifying the location
> What have I not thought of?

You say that the PATH is left blank - have you entered the
server name - so that it is looking for that on it's own?

The starting point for me would be:-

Can I actually see the database using IB_SQL?

I suspect that 'tower' is not being converted to an IP
address, in which case have you actually set up TCP/IP by
adding the machine names and IP addresses to the 'HOSTS' file?

I must get round to finishing of my personal network check
list and get Helen to put it up as a Tech Note <g>

Lester Caine
L.S.Caine Electronic Services