Subject RE: [IBO] Switching DataSets in DataSource or DataSource in Visual Components...
Author Alan McDonald
I certainly switch a component's datasource at runtime - not frequently but
it serves me well when I want a datalabel to show one field in one instance
of an object but another field in another instance. In this case my
instances deal with data in a similar but not exact fashion and the
datasource e.g. in one is pointing to detail records and in another to
summary record datasets.

just an example

> -----Original Message-----
> From: news@... [mailto:news@...]On Behalf Of Dany
> Marmur
> Sent: Thursday, 21 November 2002 6:40
> To:
> Subject: [IBO] Switching DataSets in DataSource or DataSource in Visual
> Components...
> Hi!
> This might be stupid questions. Just so I don't miss any important things
> about the "DataAware" approach, I'll ask anyway.
> What is the practical use of switching datasets that a datasource is
> positing to and/or the datasource a component is pointing to at
> runtime? Is
> it common use? Why?
> Thanks!
> /Dany
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