Subject Re: [IBO] Re: How to chekc require field on beforepost?
Author Svein Erling Tysvaer
I think the normal way to do this is to try catching the exception rather
than using beforepost.


At 05:31 15.11.2002 +0000, you wrote:
>Thanks for your reply,
>but what I want to do is
>on iboquery.beforepost do
>for i:= 0 to iboquery.fieldcount-1 do
> if (iboquery.fields[i].isnull) and (iboquery.fields[i].required)
> then
> showmessage('filed '+
> iboqurey.fields[i].displaylabel
> //user didnot know the fieldname -- ivno
> //user only see the field displaylabel == invoice no
> + ' must fill value!!')