Subject RE: [IBO] Missing file!!!
Author Thomas Steinmaurer
> I agree.. it's the most circuitous installation that I have ever done (for
> components of Delphi)
> Alan

I've never had problems, when you simply follow some steps.

1) Remove all IBO* Packages within Delphi
2) Delete all compiled IBO* .bpl packages from the %DELPHI%\Projects\Bpl
3) If you would like to install a base release, then delete everything
in your IBO source directory and extract the ZIP archive in your IBO
directory. If it is a cummulated patch version, then simply extract
the ZIP archive into your IBO directory overwriting existing files.
4) Now, open the .bpg project group file according to your Delphi version
and Compile all Packages
5) Install the design-time packages in your IDE you want to use
6) Recompile/reinstall all IBO based third-party components/packages

I'm following these rules quite a time now, and I've never had problems
with mismatched versions.

Just my 0.02 (EUR) cents ;-).

Thomas Steinmaurer
IB LogManager 2.1 - The Logging/Auditing Tool for InterBase and Firebird