Subject RE: [IBO] How to prevent deadlock ???
Author Svein Erling Tysvaer
My helpfile states:
"When there is a conflict or deadlock condition, this property determines
whether an error should be returned immediately or should wait until the
uncommitted changes are resolved."

I read this as if there is a deadlock and LockWait is false, then you get
the error - whereas if LockWait is true, you may have to wait for a long
time before anything happens (e.g. if the person having done the successful
update have gone to lunch or whatever without committing).

Nothing rollbacks unless you say so.


At 22:36 13.11.2002 +1100, you wrote:
>If he had lockwait set to false... why would there be a deadlock? The second
>update would just roolback .. no?