Subject RE: [IBO] Configure Queries at run_time
Author Svein Erling Tysvaer
At 17:38 12.11.2002 +0200, Wayne wrote:
>I must be rather silly in asking that ,
>I have found my own error,
>1) the SQL statement needs spaces between keywords.
>2) why not just use a datamodule if you dont want a Form.
>I would like to know how does one set the RELATION-SHIPS
>at Runtime ( Master-Detail )

Just assign the properties, e.g.
qryDetail.MasterSource := IB_DataSource1;
(of course, you have to add the name of the datamodule before both
qryDetail and IB_Datasource1 if they are located there)

>Since coping the SQL from the view as text does not work ~

Well, you still have (at least) one missing space:

> 'WHERE' +
