Subject Re: [IBO] Re: Moving column in a grid
Author Helen Borrie
At 12:11 AM 13-11-02 +0000, you wrote:
>Thanks for the suggestion Helen,
>but the .SelectedField property is a read-only property so I can't
>assign it any value. This was actually what I tried first.
>Also, I have taken out the
>...AsString := 'SAMPLE';
>line of code, so that the only line is the
>but even that does not work, so I'm assuming it doesn't have
>anything to do with the first line assigning data to the DESCR field.
>I'm a little stumped with this.
>Could it be that when .FocusControl is assigned, it is merely
>focusing on the grid, instead of the column?

No, it should find the column, *provided* of course the column is
editable. A read-only column can't get the focus...
