Subject Re: [IBO] Parameter looses value on reorder
Author Helen Borrie
At 12:07 PM 09-11-02 +0100, you wrote:
> > >DM.qryBestell.Params.ByName('Datum').AsDate := dtpBestellDatum.Date;
> >
> > Next thing to ask is: in which event do you do this assignment?
> >
>Once upon startup of the application in FormShow and then again when a new
>date is selected in OnChange of the DateTimePicker.

OK, now, this will be OK as long as you don't *next* change the ordering,
since the query is at this point prepared.

as soon as you change the ordering, the dataset is unprepared; so the next
thing to try is to add the assignment to the OnPrepareSQL event
handler. Are you with me so far...?
