Author Edgar Brítez
I need help:

It will try to explain with my poor man english.

The process is the following one:

I do qry.edit

As my load requires a new inserted client of course a client in another
program using another transaction.

The lookcup comobo it shows the new client without problems But at the
time of insert Firebird (qry.applyupdates) it says to me that my new
client does not exist. (I use for certain reason for this control a
sentence in a trigger) If foreign key use does not give the error me.

That it can be happening?

It is because my transaction does not see the movement of the other
single transaction but if use trigger.

Isolation this in concurrency.

With Isolation in Commited it does not generate the error but I have
understood that he is better to use Isolation in Concurrency.


Edgar Brítez
Sebaot Software
Asunción - Paraguay