Subject RE: [IBO] Inserting records / access privileges
Author Thomas Steinmaurer
> > select rdb$privilege
> > from rdb$user_privileges
> > where rdb$user="MYUSER" and rdb$relation_name="MYTABLE"
> ...
> > the result rows will contain S (Select), U (Update), I (Unsert), D
> > (Delete), R (Reference) or X (eXecute procedure) for the individual
> > rights the user has on the table / procedure / view.
> > So in your case you should have an "I" in the result set...
> Or 'A' for all.

Are you sure? I thought that a GRANT ALL ON MYTABLE TO MYUSER creates
5 records in the RDB$USER_PRIVILEGES table, each of them specifying
the specific, granted operation (S, U, I, D, R).
