Subject Re: [IBO] Topic: KeyDescLinks with CalculatedFields bug?
Author mmenaz
That was the problem, thanks a lot Geoff.
I did read your early post, but seemd a situation not interesting for
me (and that the next IBO rel. will have fixed), so I did not pay very
much attention.
I don't use many calculated fields, but today added them to my current
developing project so...
Thanks a lot indeed
Marco Menardi

--- In IBObjects@y..., Geoff Worboys (TeamIBO) <geoff@t...> wrote:
> > Ibo 4.2Fp
> Marco, I have not tried to interpret everything you posted, simply the
> fact that your are using 4.2.Fp and have trouble with CalculateFields.
> Did you catch my earlier post about a bug in the KeyToChildAction
> method (IBA_Dataset.IMP file)...
> procedure TIB_Dataset.KeyToChildAction( AAction: TIB_KeyChildAction;
> Info: longint );
> <...>
> ADataset.Prepare;
> //TIB_Row( Info ).Values[ tmpVals ] :=
> // TIB_BDataset( ADataset ).Lookup(
> // tmpKeyVals,
> // TIB_Row( Info ).Values[ tmpKeyFlds ], tmpFlds );
> TIB_Row( Info ).Values[ tmpVals ] :=
> TIB_BDataset( ADataset ).Lookup(
> tmpKeyFlds,
> TIB_Row( Info ).Values[ tmpKeyVals ], tmpFlds );
> <...>
> end;
> The commented out code is what was there, below it is the replacement
> that gets the locate parameters in the correct order.
> --
> Geoff Worboys - TeamIBO
> Telesis Computing