Subject Re: How to use IBUPDATESQL?
Author pepmallorca
Hey... Don't forget me please !!!

--- In IBObjects@y..., "pepmallorca" <pepmallorca@y...> wrote:
> Hello!!!
> There is a simple question about IBUpdateSQL. I'm a beginner with
> this component.
> I have a IBQUERY and a IBUpdateSQL.
> How can I execute the MODIFYSQL of an IBUpdateSQL1 like this:
> update tbl_a
> set
> id = :id,
> name = :name
> where
> id=:old_id;
> The only way I know is this, but I think the locate is not the best
> method... isn't it?
> for i:=1000 to 1500 do
> begin
> if IBQUERY1.Locate('id',IntToStr(i),[])=true then
> begin
> IBQuery1.Edit;
> IBQuery1NAME.Asstring:='Change '+IntToStr(i);
> IBQuery1.Post;
> end;
> end;
> Another thing, What's the difference between IBOQUERY and IB_QUERY?
> Is the possibility of use with IB_UPDATESQL?
> Thank you,