Subject RE: [IBO] IB_Query, updateding but not refreshing
> > I am using IB_Query, IB_Connection, IB_Transaction, IB_Datasource
> > and IB_Grid. in order to edit the data set I use IB_Updatebar, when
> > I edit and post, it does not update the calculated fields
> > automatically. when I close the data set and then reopen, the values
> > change. I thing there is something that I do not know about
> > IB_Updatebar
> It should not be anything to do with IB_UpdateBar.
> Please confirm that you are definitely talking about "calculated
> fields" (defined in the CalculatedFields property of the query) and
> not "computed fields" (defined in the SQL or table).
> --
> Geoff Worboys - TeamIBO
> Telesis Computing

Sorry, they are computed field in the table, database. not calculated fields
in query