Subject RE: [IBO] Simple Question about delete clause
Author Gerhardus Geldenhuis
> Hi
> I have used the TIBDSQL to delete the records with. The records
> that will be
> deleted will always be not more than 5 and out of the same table. I dont
> think for this case sp's or triggers are necesarry. Its not that
> complex :)
> I now have a new problem if I use dsql and delete the records it
> gives me an
> error. EDatabaseError: IBOQBOM Record not found.
> IBOQBOM is the dataset from which I delete the records. I only
> get the error
> when I refresh the dataset.

I have written the procedure but it gives me the same error. Will I always
get this error and need to catch the execption or can I a way synchronise or
