Subject Re: [IBO] Master-Detail grids not linking
Author Jason Wharton
Use a parameter and MasterParamLinks instead.

Jason Wharton
CPS - Mesa AZ

----- Original Message -----
From: "Phil Henningsen" <PhilH@...>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, August 12, 2001 7:01 PM
Subject: [IBO] Master-Detail grids not linking

> Subj: Master-Detail grids not linking
> I think (newbie, that I am) that the problem is related to the "union" in
> the Detail query...
> IB_Grid_Mas (the Master) is ok.
> It's IB_Query_Mas.SQL.Text is: (the DB has several Million records
> spanning 2 months)
> select O.Order_Number, O.FirstName||" "||O.LastName AS Customer_Name,
> O.Email, O.Record_Timestamp, O.Online_Status,
> O.Pending_Count AS Pend, O.Amount,
> O.Session_Aff, O.Credited_Aff,
> O.Parameters as OrdParams
> from S_ORDERS O
> where (O.RECORD_TIMESTAMP >= "08/12/2001")
> and (O.RECORD_TIMESTAMP < "08/13/2001")
> (Actually, the "where" clause is generated at run-time from several user
> inputs.)
> IB_Grid_Det (the Detail) is NOT OK (ie empty).
> I think that the problem is related to the "union"
> It's IB_Query_Det.SQL.Text is:
> select Order_Number, 'B' as Type, Bundle_Number,
> cast('' as VarChar(3)) as Item,
> Record_Timestamp, Pending_Count as Pend,
> cast(Product_Id as integer) as Product,
> "" as Description, Parameters
> from S_BUNDLES where Order_Number = :Order_Number
> union all
> select Order_Number, 'I' as Type, Bundle_Number,
> cast(Item_Number as VarChar(3)) as Item,
> Record_Timestamp, Pending as Pend,
> Product_Id as Product,
> "" as Description, Parameters
> from S_ITEMS where Order_Number = :Order_Number
> Currently, IB_Query_Det.KeyLinks =
> but other variations made no difference.
> Should it contain TYPE? (a "virtual field")
> IB_Query_Det.MasterLinks is empty, although I have tried:
> Currently, IB_Query_Det.MasterParamLinks =
> The detail grid is empty.
> (ps: the queries do work. they are unchanged from the previous
> version that worked fine, but slowly... using IB Express and
> InfoPower.)
> Thanks for your help.
> Phil Henningsen