> Hello,
> I'm using Delphi5 with Interbase5 and have the following Problem.
> I want to use BlobStream to insert Blobdata to the Database but the
> compiler shows me the error message: incompatible
> types: 'TIBBlobStream' and 'TStream' for the following source code:
> BlobStream:=
> KaDatabase.KaData.TAB_Kanew.CreateBlobStream
> (KaDatabase.KaData.TAB_Kanew.FieldByName('TABELLE'),bmReadWrite);
> 'Blobstream' is declared as TIBBlobStream.
> 'KaDatabase.KaData.TAB_Kanew' is the IBTable-Component.
> 'Tabelle' is the name of the Blobfield in the database.