Subject Re: [IBO] Re: Survey: TIB_Connection and Passwords

> Can you please explain to me the differences? I never used IBO 4 and
> I don't know what are you talking about.

IBO3 just saves the password, IBO4 saves the password but encripts it based
on some machine specific bits - so move the application to a different
machine and you have to reset the password.

> All programs that use ib need a password. If a specific app in a
> specific machine do not need one, this could no be done the way Jason
> suggest: using the environment. If security it's not a problem, there
> is no problem to put it on the environment.

I don't put anything in the environment - that is my choice mainly because
other people use the machines I 'borrow' on site to do quick changes - so I
don't want to have to check setups everytime. Second problem, I have set
default passwords, but they are different for each customer to allow some
level of protection, and as we may need to use it in the future. ( Jason -
that is the main reason I don't set it in the environment - I don't have a
'SYSDBA' access set up to all servers with the same password - the customer
may not want security, but I at least pay lip service! )

> Ops, I really do not have this problem. I think your problem it's not
> developing in one machine, but with different IB servers, rigth? In
> your work, you have different passwords for different IB servers.

Different Servers is another problem - I would love to have the user security
actually in the gdb. That is the only way to really protect things - but that
is a not in our control. My problem with IBO4 over IBO3 is that I have to
reset the password when I move from one development machine to another - e.g.
desktop -> laptop. They are talking to the same server, but as you point out,
different servers do have different user databases.

> Maybe I change my opinion after someone explain to me the differences
> using the password between IBO 3 / 4.

Answered above -. mainly.
IBO4 currently allows you to switch off saving the password so that you have
to enter it every time you open a project. That really is a pain when you are
cycling round three modules trying to track a bug that should not exisit. In
IBO3 I just did not have to worry.

Lester Caine
L.S.Caine Electronic Services