Subject Re: [IBO] Fw: PACKAGE sample
Author Enrico Cima
Dear Geoff,
I've tried all suggestion of Damian, but with no success.
The program actualy is very simple. A Main form on which i put the component
that crasch.
If i'm not using Grid, or IB_NAVIGATIONBAR or IB_UPDATEBAR and i put other
IB component, i can work.
Could be that this three component are created in a different way?


----- Original Message -----
From: "Geoff Worboys" <geoff@...>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2001 2:53 PM
Subject: Re: [IBO] Fw: PACKAGE sample

> > function StandardBitmap(S:String):tBitmap;
> > var
> > x: integer;
> > begin
> > -> if NB_Images.Find( S, x ) then
> > Result := TBitmap( NB_Images.Objects[x] )
> > else
> > Result := nil;
> > end;
> With the error you are showing above it makes it look like there is
> some sort of drastic initialisation problem. That is, if you are
> getting an exception against NB_Images then it appears the list is not
> created when the function is called - but then the list is supposed to
> be created when that unit is loaded, and the unit must be loaded for
> the function to be called.
> Check your application for peculiar items such as creating components
> very early (before the main form). Does the problem go away if your
> application does not use your component? Make sure you do a full
> rebuild on everything (not just a make) to see if that shows any
> difference.
> Otherwise I am just about out of ideas. Try out Damians suggestions
> and see how you go.
> Geoff Worboys
> Telesis Computing
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