Subject | Re: [IBO] Which ist the best 3.6 Version? |
Author | Jason Wharton |
Post date | 2001-08-08T17:44:38Z |
The information you have here is very insufficient to isolate this
condition. It is clear to me there is something unique and interesting about
your situation that I may or may not be able to duplicate. I don't want to
risk spending hours I don't have attempting to do so.
Please send me an actual sample app via private email. Include a database or
a script which will automatically generate a database. Or, use one of my
sample apps and butcher it up a little bit.
If it isn't straight forward for me to duplicate I will have to pass it
Jason Wharton
CPS - Mesa AZ
condition. It is clear to me there is something unique and interesting about
your situation that I may or may not be able to duplicate. I don't want to
risk spending hours I don't have attempting to do so.
Please send me an actual sample app via private email. Include a database or
a script which will automatically generate a database. Or, use one of my
sample apps and butcher it up a little bit.
If it isn't straight forward for me to duplicate I will have to pass it
Jason Wharton
CPS - Mesa AZ
----- Original Message -----
From: "Gunther Buchtala" <gubu@...>
Newsgroups: egroups.ibobjects
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, August 08, 2001 10:31 AM
Subject: Re: [IBO] Which ist the best 3.6 Version?
> ""Jason Wharton"" <jwharton@...> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
> news:0fc201c12020$79dbe120$a9c90118@CX170673E...
> > > The Property ib_Connection is not stored, in the DFM the next time the
> > > Also if the Columns ordered in a Grid and for example a Floatfield is
> now
> > at
> > > the Place of a Stringfield you get exception if you call
> > > AsssignSQLwithSearch.
> >
> > This is totally new to my knowledge.
> >
> news:9k0c0q$bet$1@......
> 8<---------------------------------------------------------
> I use following Testsource:
> procedure TFrmTest.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
> var
> IBOQuery1: TIBOQuery;
> begin
> IBOQuery1 := TIBOQuery.Create(Self);
> with IBOQuery1 do
> begin
> Name := 'IBOQuery1';
> IB_Connection:=DM2.IBOM2001;
> RecordCountAccurate := True;
> end;
> with DataSource1 do
> begin
> AutoEdit := False;
> DataSet := IBOQuery1;
> end;
> IBOQuery1.AssignSQLWithSearch(IB_QERSATZ);
> IBOQuery1.Prepare;
> []
> it works, but if i change the order of the columns from IB_QERSATZ with a
> IB_Grid and there ist now a "Stringfield" on the position of a
> IB_Grid
> i get an Exception on "IBOQuery1.Prepare"; E_Unsupp_Col_Conversion =
> 'Nicht unterstütze Spalten-Konvertierung'; file://'Unsupported column
> conversion';
> if I change only the two Stringfields
> i get no Exception
> IBO 3.6Di
> Is there an other way to convert a IB_Query to a IBOQuery with Search,
> FieldsIndex,FieldsDisplayFormat and FieldsDisplayWidth?
> 8<---------------------------------------------------------------
> There is also a discussion about this Problem on the german ibo newsgroups
> at equitania.