Subject Re: [IBO] Which ist the best 3.6 Version?
Author Jason Wharton
The information you have here is very insufficient to isolate this
condition. It is clear to me there is something unique and interesting about
your situation that I may or may not be able to duplicate. I don't want to
risk spending hours I don't have attempting to do so.

Please send me an actual sample app via private email. Include a database or
a script which will automatically generate a database. Or, use one of my
sample apps and butcher it up a little bit.
If it isn't straight forward for me to duplicate I will have to pass it

Jason Wharton
CPS - Mesa AZ

----- Original Message -----
From: "Gunther Buchtala" <gubu@...>
Newsgroups: egroups.ibobjects
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, August 08, 2001 10:31 AM
Subject: Re: [IBO] Which ist the best 3.6 Version?

> ""Jason Wharton"" <jwharton@...> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
> news:0fc201c12020$79dbe120$a9c90118@CX170673E...
> > > The Property ib_Connection is not stored, in the DFM the next time the
> > > Also if the Columns ordered in a Grid and for example a Floatfield is
> now
> > at
> > > the Place of a Stringfield you get exception if you call
> > > AsssignSQLwithSearch.
> >
> > This is totally new to my knowledge.
> >
> news:9k0c0q$bet$1@......
> 8<---------------------------------------------------------
> I use following Testsource:
> procedure TFrmTest.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
> var
> IBOQuery1: TIBOQuery;
> begin
> IBOQuery1 := TIBOQuery.Create(Self);
> with IBOQuery1 do
> begin
> Name := 'IBOQuery1';
> IB_Connection:=DM2.IBOM2001;
> RecordCountAccurate := True;
> end;
> with DataSource1 do
> begin
> AutoEdit := False;
> DataSet := IBOQuery1;
> end;
> IBOQuery1.AssignSQLWithSearch(IB_QERSATZ);
> IBOQuery1.Prepare;
> []
> it works, but if i change the order of the columns from IB_QERSATZ with a
> IB_Grid and there ist now a "Stringfield" on the position of a
> IB_Grid
> i get an Exception on "IBOQuery1.Prepare"; E_Unsupp_Col_Conversion =
> 'Nicht unterstütze Spalten-Konvertierung'; file://'Unsupported column
> conversion';
> if I change only the two Stringfields
> i get no Exception
> IBO 3.6Di
> Is there an other way to convert a IB_Query to a IBOQuery with Search,
> FieldsIndex,FieldsDisplayFormat and FieldsDisplayWidth?
> 8<---------------------------------------------------------------
> There is also a discussion about this Problem on the german ibo newsgroups
> at equitania.