Subject RE: [IBO] Defining field lengths in IBO4
Author Riho-Rene Ellermaa
Quick summary: I have one table that contains domestic and foreign payments
(it's banking software). Domestic payments format allows 35 characters for
beneficiaries name and foreign payment format (SWIFT) allows 50. When user
creates new payment, I don't know yet which it is, when he checks some boxes
or selects bank then I know and would like to adjust the field length. The
Edit field used for customers name is the same for both paymetns.

I think that this property should be public, i.e. Edit->SetLength(35);
The mask solution doesn't look so nice because of these
_______________________ in the field

BTW, are there never nights in Autralia? You are on the list in my morning
and evening and I live in the opposite side of ball.

Riho-Rene Ellermaa
senior programmer