Subject Re: [IBO] Managing Transactions
Author Helen Borrie

At 03:06 PM 24-08-01 +0300, you wrote:
>Hi All...
> I Plan to built a heavy Accounting Program with Interbase and IBObjects but I have a real Problem Transactions. My Applications works MDI but a form can be opened once a time. Now I'm using only one Transaction object. For example The Order or Invoice modules can run at a time each modules updates deletes fires tons of functions that made DB write and delete. It's nearly impossible to handle them healty so I have to use transactions.

In IB/Firebird everything you do happens in transactions. There are two Tech Info sheets on the web site which will help you to understand transactions.


"Working with Transactions" and "Transaction Tutorial"

> I think When a user opens Invoice module and selects "NEW" I have to get a transaction number and use the number in all functions transactions

No. The client program gds32.dll opens the transaction for you and gets a transaction handle from the server. IBO encapsulates all of the behaviour for handling that and surfaces it in a container class name TIB_Transaction. One of these is embedded in the TIBODatabase component. It is also possible to add further transaction instances using the TIBOTransaction component. With the "native IBO" components, you have a TIB_Database or a TIB_Connection and you can add further TIB_Transaction objects to them.

>, then if user preses "update" for the job I must commit all the changes to database that have the same transaction number.

No, you do not have to be concerned about the transaction number - the transaction component takes care of the handle. Each of your dataset objects is connected to a transaction object either by default or through its IB_Transaction property. In the case of the TIBO* components, this association is made by selecting your IBODatabase in the DatabaseName property of the dataset.

With the TIBO* components, you would call the COMMIT method of the IBODatabase.

>Or selects Cancel I have to do a RollBack operation. Think that all items at detail update fires 15 Functions.

Similarly, you would call the ROLLBACK method of the IBODatabase.

>"Do you think Firebird/Borland Interbase suitable for this kind of Applications ?"

Definitely! We would not be here if it were not so!


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