Subject Re: [IBO] Params
Author Gordon Hamm
Ok, that helps alot.. Im still having trouble with params.. Its like they
arent there at all..I keep putting them in, they keep dispearing.
I didnt understand Jasons comment about Params only being available after a
post, or something like that..
Im just trying to do a simple..

anisdb.ParamByName('ANI').asstring := aniedit.text;

It always says the parameter doesnt exist. I am able to make a literal
string, and my queries work fine. You guys prob think Im a real dope, but
honest , Im reading everything I can get my hands on including Jasons

Gordon Hamm

----- Original Message -----
From: "Geoff Worboys" <geoff@...>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, July 18, 2001 7:12 PM
Subject: Re: [IBO] Params

> > If I use the RequestLive, Everything seems to work fine. I was
> > under the impression that you shouldnt use RequestLive to be
> > true client server compliant, so Ive been trying to write the
> > app to work with RequestLive:=False. Maybe this is part of my
> > trouble? I just noticed that the contact manager demo has
> > RequestLive set to true..
> If you were using the API directly you would be correct. The "FOR
> UPDATE" clause of the SQL is not normally good for performance.
> However IBO takes care of this for you. If you use the "FOR UPDATE"
> clause in your SQL it automatically sets RequestLive=true (or you can
> forget the FOR UPDATE clause and just just RequestLive=true directly).
> The point being that when RequestLive is true, IBO will normally take
> care of the details for you. It removes the "FOR UPDATE" clause from
> the SQL it sends to the server to ensure good performance and then
> creates the additional SQL required to insert/update/delete as though
> you had a live update cursor.
> If you have a complicated query (using joins or stored procedures) it
> may be necessary to create your own insert/update/delete SQL to make
> the dataset truly "live". But much of the time you can avoid such
> complications by splitting your query into multiple datasets with
> appropriate master/detail configuration.
> Geoff Worboys
> Telesis Computing
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