Subject RE: [IBO] Floating point values in grid
Author Riho-Rene Ellermaa

I just added it into my Grid KeyPress event

Riho-Rene Ellermaa
senior programmer

> Update the start of they .KeyPress function in IBG_Editor.IMP so that
> it looks like...
> procedure TIB_GridInplaceEdit.KeyPress( var Key: Char );
> var
> IsValid: boolean;
> begin
> inherited KeyPress(Key);
> with TIB_CustomGrid(Grid) do
> if Assigned( SelectedField ) then
> with SelectedField do
> begin
> if (IsNumeric) and
> (not SearchAlways) and
> (State <> dssSearch) and
> (Key in ['.', ',']) then
> Key := DecimalSeparator;
> <etc>
> If this works as desired send the updated file to Jason (along with
> details of the IBO version you used) so that he can include the change
> in the main release.