Subject Re: [IBO] Kylix
Author Jason Wharton

Sorry I didn't answer this sooner.
The port to Kylix will be completed soon after IBO 4 is completed.
That is going to put it around June or July sometime.
I hope to have a BETA much sooner than that so you can all at least be
playing, prototyping, etc. with it.

It is time I started assembling a list of who all wants the IBO Kylix BETA
when it is ready.

PS. I already am working on it and continue to work on it. I'm not just
waiting to finish IBO 4 before I start on it.

Jason Wharton
CPS - Mesa AZ

----- Original Message -----
From: "Kenneth Wilcox" <kwilcox@...>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, May 02, 2001 7:39 AM
Subject: [IBO] Kylix

> var
> date: TDateTime;
> begin
> if not (IBOPrortedToKylix) then
> date := GetReleaseDateInformation
> else
> date := LastUploadDate;
> ShowMessage('The value of date is: ' + DateTimeToStr(date));
> end;
> What's the value of date?
> Sorry, my native language is PASCAL.
> Ken
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