Subject Re: [IBO] Open Source Marathon
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I have had a look at the 2.0 Beta and the style is nice. The

question if I was looking to pay for it - what does it give
that IB_WISQL does not already have?

I can see that the metadata export and management could now
be useful, but based on a quick look through I would stick
with what I have.

That said, I can see that it would make a very nice basis
for a IB_Console replacement, and if a newcomer started with

it rather than IB_WISQL ( which is not the most intuitive of

entry points - not criticizing ) then they would probably be


Now that I am getting to the point where I have eliminated
BDE from all projects I am seeing light at the end of the
tunnel, and could give some time to more active support of
an area like this - such as moving Marathon over to IBO4

Lester Caine
L.S.Caine Electronic Services