Subject Re: [IBO] Re-post: 'Class TIBOBCDField not found'
Author Luiz Alves

I clean up all my ibo files and started a new install.

I install first IBO_D4 package, next IBO Enhanced and others in this

After I install IBO_D4(the first package), I see that my form with
tibobcdfield is working well.

I proceed installed others packages. After I finish the install of all
packages, I open my form with tibobcdfields and the problem appears again.

I done this four times without success. I am crazying with it.

Could you give more any tip?

Thanks in advance,


----- Original Message -----
From: Geoff Worboys <geoff@...>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, April 09, 2001 9:16 PM
Subject: Re: [IBO] Re-post: 'Class TIBOBCDField not found'

> > Then, I add it again and the fields show as tibobcdfield, but
> > after close the unit of the form and re-open again, I get the
> > same message of 'Class TIBOBCDField not found'.
> >
> > I have persistent fields on this form(and others) too.
> I tried it here under BCB4 and cannot reproduce the problem. I can
> only think that you may need to reinstall 3.6.D to be sure you have a
> clean start.
> The main time I had difficulties with the TIBOxxxField classes was
> where it appeared that my complex set of inter-related packages would
> confuse BCB and it would complain about the fields not being
> registered. I could usually resolve this by removing packages and
> readding them in order of dependancy.
> Geoff Worboys
> Telesis Computing
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