Subject Re: [IBO] OT: String->Query
Author Markus Ostenried
Hi Guido !

If your DataModules all have the Owner "Application" you can do something like:

function FindQuery( AName: String ): TIB_Query;
p, i, j : Integer;
sDataModule, sQuery: String;
DM : TDataModule;
Result := nil;
p := Pos( '.', AName );
if (p = 0) then Exit;
sDataModule := Copy( AName, 1, p-1 );
Delete( AName, 1, p );
sQuery := AName;
for i := 0 to Application.ComponentCount-1 do begin
if (Application.Components[i].Name = sDataModule) then begin
DM := (Application.Components[i] as TDataModule);
for j := 0 to DM.ComponentCount-1 do begin
if (DM.Components[i].Name = sQuery) then begin
Result := (DM.Components[i] as TIB_Query);
end; // if Com.Name = sQuery
end; // for j
end; // if Com.Name = sDataModule
end; // for i

not tested - just coded....


At 23:14 08.04.2001 +0200, you wrote:
>I have a string 'CustomersDataModule.CSQuery' and I want to convert this
>string to a IB_Query.
>I want something like that:
>var Query; TIB_Query;
> Query:=Convert('CustomersDataModule.CSQuery');
> Query.Open;
>Is this possible ?