Subject Re: [IBO] Storing Images In JPEG format in BLOB Field.
Author R. S. Patil
I am Cutting from Some Image Capturing Software, doing some
processing there like cropping,
rotating etc etc and then using select rectangle and copy to

then using paste command.
> > >
> > > procedure TIB_CustomJPEGImage.PasteFromClipboard;
> > > var JPEG: TJpegImage;
> > > begin
> > > if Clipboard.HasFormat(CF_PICTURE) and DataLink.Modify then begin
> > > JPEG := TJpegImage.Create;
> > > try
> > > Picture.Assign(Clipboard);
> > > JPEG.Assign(Picture.Graphic);
> >
> > ************* Raised Exception Here **********************

the exception is can not assign TMETAFile to TJPEGImage.

> >
> > > Picture.Graphic := JPEG;
> > > finally
> > > JPEG.Free;
> > > end;
> > > end;
> > > end;