Subject Re: [IBO] Don't have any error but it is not Posting !!!
Author Jason Wharton
CommitUpdates is for cached updates only. It tells the buffers that the
updates have been committed and so that they now can be moved from the new
buffer to the current buffer slot.

Jason Wharton
CPS - Mesa AZ

----- Original Message -----
From: "Marc Leclerc" <mlpgr@...>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, March 19, 2001 6:34 PM
Subject: Re: [IBO] Don't have any error but it is not Posting !!!

> Hi,
> Data does not seem to be commited, either use the IB_Transaction
> feature or do it explicitely. I think that
> IB_Query->CommitUpdates() is the one you may call but I am unsure.
> hinw
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: <alvin@...>
> To: <>
> Sent: Monday, March 19, 2001 8:18 PM
> Subject: [IBO] Don't have any error but it is not Posting !!!
> > This code does not create any error, but i wonder why the records are
> > not being posted, Table is created at run-time and it's OK ???...
> >
> > void __fastcall TFormNMain::FormCreate(TObject *Sender)
> > {
> > IBOTable->Active = false;
> > IBOTable->DatabaseName = DgConnection->Path;
> > IBOTable->TableName = "Check";
> >
> > IBOTable->FieldDefs->Add( "Name", ftString, 512, true );
> > IBOTable->FieldDefs->Add( "Address", ftString, 512, true );
> > IBOTable->FieldDefs->Add( "Attribute", ftInteger, 0, true );
> >
> > IBOTable->CreateTable();
> > IBOTable->Active = true;
> >
> > IB_Query->Active = true; // Select Name, Status FROM Check
> > // Fields to show in IB_Grid
> > try {
> > IBOTable->Append();
> > IBOTable->FieldByName( "Name" )->AsString = "Name";
> > IBOTable->FieldByName( "Status" )->AsString = "Status";
> > IBOTable->FieldByName( "Attribute" )->Value = 0;
> > IBOTable->Post();
> > IB_Grid->Update();
> > IBOTable->Refresh();
> > }
> > catch ( ... ) {
> > ShowMessage("Record not Posted !!!");
> > }
> > }
> >