Subject Re: Error on destroying my main datamodule with NT4
The problem is corrected by the new release of Interbase ( 10 JAV
Forget my previous post.

--- In IBObjects@y..., sylvain@g... wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm using IBO3.6Cf, Interbase 6.01, Delphi5, WinNT4 SP6a.
> On exiting my program, when the main datmodule ( the one that
> contains the TIB_Connection ) is destroy I get an error :
> access viloation at 0x40555bf8, readind address 0x40555bf8.
> This problem doesn't occurs with on other machine using Windows2000.
> The error occurs when the program try to execute the following line
> in the TIB_Components.pas file :
> finalization
> // This component will be freed but the session will remain in
> until
> // the last component which depends on it is freed.
> if Assigned( tmpIB_Component ) then
> begin
> tmpIB_Component.Free;
> tmpIB_Component := nil; <----- ERROR !!!!
> end;
> TlsFree( hAlternateSession );
> TlsFree( hDefaultSession );
> hAlternateSession := 0;
> hDefaultSession := 0;
> end.
> Thnaks for your help.
> Sylvain.