Subject Re: TIB_Export - problems.
--- In IBObjects@y..., "Jason Wharton" <jwharton@i...> wrote:
> BLOB columns are not supported yet. I would absolutely love it if
> would come in and finish this part up.
> As for the float columns, could you share more details with me so
that I can
> duplicate your problems and work on a solution for the bug?
> Thanks,
> Jason Wharton
> CPS - Mesa AZ
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: <paolopf@l...>
> To: <IBObjects@y...>
> Sent: Thursday, February 22, 2001 11:21 PM
> Subject: [IBO] TIB_Export - problems.
> > Hi Jason,
> > I'm Paolo, use D5 + IB6.01 + IBO 3.6c
> > I've tried to export data to DBF but found these problems:
> > sometimes float fields have not been passed
> > sometimes float fields have been passed as 0
> > never be able to export blob ( as text ).
> > The app is OK. Never received an error message.
> > Any idea?
> >
> > Thanks and best rgds.
> > Paolo Fenelli / AC SOFTWARE HOUSE

Hi Jason,
the query is
select commessa, ( varchar )
pos, ( integer )
quantita, ( float - problem )
prezzo, ( double precision )
consegna, ( date )
cauto ( integer - key field )
from commesse

The result DBF is:
commessa OK
pos OK
prezzo OK
TIME_4 ? always 0. Why TIME_4?!
consegna OK
cauto OK

The properties of TIB_Export are:
Clonecursor True
DataSet Query1
DateTimeFormat dd/mm/yyyy
delimiter #0 ( or " )
ExportFormat efDBF
IncludeCRLF False
IncludeHeader False
Separator . or ( , )
Tag 0
Yeld False ( or True )

The TIB_Query is connected to a TIB_Connection, setted via an IniFile
to the proper *.gdb (on FormCreate).

As You can see both integer field ( pos ) and double precision field
( prezzo ) are correctly transferred.

I've also tried with another table ( elcom ):
commessa varchar
centrale varchar
ordine varchar
sconto smallint
ml char
fs char
descriz varchar
totale numeric(8,0)
descriz2 Blob Text
cl char
db char
cod_cli smallint
finita char
bolla smallint
fattura varchar
data date
note Blob Text
mrp char
eauto integer

the result DBF is:
commessa OK
centrale OK
ordine OK
sconto OK
ml OK
fs OK
descriz OK
descriz2 NOT PASSED
totale OK
cl OK
db OK
cod_cli OK
finita OK
bolla OK
fattura OK
TIME_15 0 ???????????????????
data OK
mrp char
eauto integer

Hope useful for You.
Best rgds.