Subject RE: [IBO] Blob data display in TIB_Grid
Author Kaputnik
Subtype 1 is Text....The complete display of the blob as memo is depending
on this subtype....

For better efficientcy, IBO (and Interbase also) does not read the blob
until it is needed.
Due to IBO's double-buffering-architecture, the blob is therefore not
transferred until you click on the respective record.
that means, you can see only the first lines of the blobs in those records,
you already positioned on.

If you set FetchWholeRows to true in the IB_Query, the complete records will
be transferred and therefore the Blob-Content shoud show up in the grid or

Strangely enough, I just tried the settings I mentioned earlier, and the
grid shows the forst line of the blobs with FetchWholeRows set to false...

At the bottom of the message, you will see the properties of the grid and
IB_Query I used as DFM-extract, so you can compare the settings. All missing
properties are left to default when created...

CU, Kaputnik
(Nick Josipovic)

nick@... <mailto:nick@...>
kap@... <mailto:kap@...>
superior Client/Server programming: <>
a nice Tool for Interbase: <>

object GrdBrowse: TIB_Grid
Left = 0
Top = 22
Width = 944
Height = 684
CustomGlyphsSupplied = []
DataSource = DtsBrowse
Align = alClient
Color = clBtnFace
Font.Color = clWindowText
Font.Height = -11
Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
Font.Style = []
ParentFont = False
BorderStyle = bsNone
TabOrder = 0
DefaultRowHeight = 17
SeekNearest = True
ThumbTracking = True
ListBoxStyle = True
EditLinksAuto = True
IndicateLongTitle = True
IndicateLongCellText = True
DrawCellTextOptions = [gdtEllipsis, gdtShowTextBlob]
DrawTitleTextOptions = [gdtEllipsis, gdtShowTextBlob]
CurrentRowColor = 16748945
CurrentRowFont.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
CurrentRowFont.Color = clBlack
CurrentRowFont.Height = -11
CurrentRowFont.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
CurrentRowFont.Style = [fsBold]
OrderingColor = clInfoBk
OrderingFont.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
OrderingFont.Color = clWindowText
OrderingFont.Height = -11
OrderingFont.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
OrderingFont.Style = []
FixedFont.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
FixedFont.Color = clWindowText
FixedFont.Height = -11
FixedFont.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
FixedFont.Style = []
Ctl3DShallow = True
NavigateOptions = [gnMemoEditTabExits]

object QryBrowse: TIB_Query
DatabaseName = ':D:\IBOTutorial\Database\TEST4.GDB'
IB_Connection = ConMain
IB_Transaction = TrnMain
CallbackCaption = 'Please wait while loading the result set...'
ColorScheme = True
ConfirmDeletePrompt.Strings = (
'Sure to delete the Current row?')
MasterSearchFlags = [msfOpenMasterOnOpen, msfSearchAppliesToMasterOnly]
RefreshAction = raOpen
RequestLive = True
BufferSynchroFlags = [bsBeforeEdit, bsAfterEdit, bsAfterInsert]
FetchWholeRows = False
Left = 32
Top = 80