Subject | Re: [IBO] IB_Transaction.Pause |
Author | |
Post date | 2001-02-15T23:27:25Z |
> Geoff,I'm Guido :-)
>Yes, it seems so, I just wonder, that I'm the only one, who have these
> > I have some question concerning the pause-method of ib_transaction.
> This is your baby here... my memory is a little rusty on this.
problems. But the problem concerning the pause-method is not so important
for me, as well as the AutoCommit-problem, for what I sent you the testapp
(AutoCommit doesn't work for me, but I have found a way to simulate it). But
what is really important for me, is the OAT-Problem, which I described some
Threads ago (Subject: OAT-Handling). If you could give me some solution
hints there, this would be really great.