Subject Re: [IBO] Anyone interested in IB_StringList property editor?
Author Chef
Hi Lester,

I wrote:
> You could include this property editor into the "IBO_EditorsPack.dpk"
> in the "Editors" subdir of the IBO distribution. Then send Jason a copy
> of the new package and he can put into all his releases.

Then you wrote:
>IBO4 please, lets get 3.6 put to bed, and editors caused problems with
>Builder 5

Thats totally correct. I also liked Claudio's comment about the AutoLabel stuff
since I wondered why they included this new feature that affects so many
into the 3.6 version....

On the other hand I don't see how some foles in a SubDir of the IBO
that everyone has to install seperately and only if he decides that he
wants the
additional IBO property editors. They won't affect the the main IBO (runtime)

Anyway don't wanted to start a flame war. :-)))

I'd be glad to test the StringList editor privately and would like it if
Jason put
it into the Editors dir (not before Version 4.0 of course !!! :-))) )
so I don't have to worry about having everything in one place.
