Subject Re: [IBO] Refreshing current row
Author Artur Anjos

I think you just need to refresh your master row (not open/close the master query). I use to do that in AfterPost/AfterDelete of the detail:

AfterPost: QueryMaster.InvalidateBookmark...

Artur Anjos

----- Original Message -----
From: G. Allen Casteran
Sent: Friday, December 28, 2001 5:42 AM
Subject: Re: [IBO] Refreshing current row

In this case you will have to close and open the Master Query again to
fetch the current data from the server. Once you open a query the result
set is a snapshot of the data on the server. It is NOT the live data on the


At 03:37 AM 12/11/2001 +0700, you wrote:
>Dear List,
>I have a total column in a table (master). This total column is update via
>trigger (After Insert, After Update, After Delete) on another table (detail)
>and I included it in SELECT statement using TIB_Query, set ReadOnly
>attribute to True.
>Sometime the total column is not refresh automatically when I update the
>detail. How can I refresh the current row to deal with this situation ?

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