Subject Re: [IBO] Login errors in CGI app in runtime mode
Author Daniel Rail
Comments below:

since upgrading to v4 I've also been receiving the following
>Unhandled Exception: ISC ERROR CODE:335544472 ISC ERROR
>MESSAGE: Your user name and password are not defined. Ask your
>administrator to set up an InterBase login. (follow the link)
>Again, this is a CGIExpert app that worked for 14 months prior to
>upgrading to v4.
>Any suggestions?

There's a new property in TIB_Connection that is called
PasswordStorage. Set it to psNotSecure and re-enter the password in the
Password property. I went through the same process when I upgraded to IBOv4.

Daniel Rail
Senior System Engineer
ACCRA Group Inc. (
ACCRA Med Software Inc. (