Subject Re: [IBO] Showing NULL-Columns as in TIB_Grid
> > if (abs(DataSource.Dataset.BufferRowNum) >= 0) then begin
> > if GridFields[ACol - 1].IsNull then AString := '<null>';
> > end;

> Rather than use 0 (which is an assumption) it should be replaced by the
> BofRowNum property of the dataset. In most cases it will be 0 but there are
> those times it is less than or more than zero. It is also important to take
> the BufferHasBof property into consideration as well.

So would this be better?

if BufferHasBof then BUM := BofRowNum else BUM := 0;
if BufferRowNum >= BUM then begin .....

( Scuse any incorect Delphi me speek Builder )

Lester Caine
L.S.Caine Electronic Services